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Free printables to celebrate your child

Get two different printables to celebrate the unique children in your life PLUS watch Kristin read her first book, Aunt Kitten's Safari, at the 2021 launch party.

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    Kristin Emily Friend, Author


    By providing your email address, you will also receive my newsletter around the 15th of each month.

    You can also connect with me at my Ponderings, Ice Cream, and Travel blogs found on my website:

    work in progress

    Aunt Kitten's I'm Glad You're Here 'Cause There's Only One You, continues to evolve. Although it may change, get a sneak peek similar to the original version plus printable pages...

    Decide on a fun animal nickname for a child in your life and list their character traits, interests, and talents.

    Celebrate their delightful uniqueness!