
Hi! I'm Kristin Emily Friend,

**Kristin Emily** A Double Scoop for September 2022

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

September 2022


How has your summer been? We have one more week before it is officially Fall in the Northern Hemisphere. Hard to believe.

Pause with me for a moment to remember the past three months we call Summer. What were some highs (or Top 5 as my friend, Brandi, calls it.) What were some lows? As these memories return, can you see Jesus in any of these memories? If so, where and how?

My highs include feeling cool breezes on my face, Tim Horton's Chai, seeing puffins, hikes along cliffs with breathtaking views with Gregg, and visiting a sunflower field. Experiencing nature and being aware of my five senses can feel like a hug from God to me.

My lows include my sister, Bryn, being diagnosed with breast cancer, saying final earthly goodbyes to Gregg's Uncle Rossie, and the realization in July that Aunt Kitten still needed a LOT of work. During my initial shock, grief, disappointments, and questioning why, I don't remember being aware of God's presence. Yet, my sister-in-law, the priest and prayer warriors at Trinity Episcopal Church in WV, and others sat with me in my pain.

I trust God was with me, even when I didn't see, feel, or understand Him. I hope that you have people by your side who are standing in as God's representative to you when he seems far away.


I'm Glad You're Here 'Cause There's Only One You with Aunt Kitten

When it became clear Aunt Kitten needed some serious changes, I couldn't bring myself to work on it for a month. Then, during two five-hour ferry rides on vacation, I reworked the story "the old fashioned way" (paper and pen) and am quite pleased with the results. It is ready for fine tuning and illustrations.

I'm excited for the day this book is "birthed" and I can share it with you.

Sign up and receive "Saturday 7," a weekly email which suggests seven picture books to read. Each list is categorized.

I just realized that my link to ICE CREAM themed books brings up the list for FEAR OF THE DARK. I'm sorry! Click on the theme words to see the correct lists. This Saturday's theme is about how a PARENT LOVES A CHILD.


I've begun writing ​Memories Monday again. The year that we got married (my 28th year) is now posted. The series can be found on Instagram and Pondering Friend to Friend.


Apologies are in order: I neglected to keep count of our ice cream stops in Canada.

We did find a few notable treats in Newfoundland. In Petty Harbour, we shared a artistic creation called Peanut Butter Freakshake. In St. John's we had soft serve ice cream in a Hungarian Chimney Cake dusted in sugar and cinnamon.

We ate local "cookies" such as oatcakes, Jam Jams, and date squares. The Woody Island "resort" made homemade date squares. I could eat the whole pan if given the opportunity.


I am embarrassed to admit that Canada has never been on my bucket list of places to visit - except Vancouver, British Columbia. We fell in love with that city at the end of our Alaskan cruise in 2015.

Then, we fell in love with Newfoundland while attending the musical, Come From Away. It recounts the city of Gander's epic response to stranded flights on 9/11/2001.

Newfoundland is HUGE, beautiful, not many people unless in a Tim Horton's drive through, and the people embody the definition of hospitable. One highlight was an overnight trip to Woody Island which is off the grid. It was fun to taste and glimpse authentic Newfoundland, including an old Christmas tradition called Mummering.

We drove (quickly) through the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The highlights we saw make me want to return.

Relive our trip via my daily posts on The Friends Travel Blog.

Tip: You can take a car ferry from Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. I think I could easily spend a week or more in that province!

What are your recent Bucket List additions?

Smiling at the thought of you,

Kristin Emily Friend

Hi! I'm Kristin Emily Friend,

Author, Illustrator, Blogger, Ice Cream Enthusiast

I am a companion in curiosity and refreshment through mulling over questions (Pondering Friend to Friend), ice cream (Traveling Ice Cream Enthusiasts), children's books (Aunt Kitten), and world traveling (The Friends' Travel Blog.) . . Sign up for my monthly newsletter to join me! . . I look forward to companioning with you.

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