
Hi! I'm Kristin Emily Friend,

**Kristin Emily** πŸ₯³πŸΎπŸŽˆAUNT KITTEN IS HERE!!!πŸ₯³πŸΎπŸŽˆA Double Scoop for February 2023

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

February 2023

February is National Cat Health Month. If you are a cat purrson, you might purrchase kitty dental treats to celebrate. You're welcome.

Did you ever have a pen pal? If so, did you ever get to meet IRL (In Real Life)? If you met, was the experience comfortable, awkward, or something else?

I've met a number of writers I truly consider friends even though we've only met by internet video. Technology has its downsides of sucking me down rabbit holes and giving me information overload. Yet, it also has gifted me as it brings new friends into my office.

Last month, I had the joy of meeting a woman from my writing cohort which meets three times a week. She lives outside Denver and was on vacation in Daytona Beach so we met for a few hours at a restaurant.

We smiled, we laughed, we talked non-stop like we were old friends, and time flew by way too quickly. To top it off, Julie brought her Aunt Kitten book with her for me to sign. Hers was the very first book I autographed (see photo.) Our time together made my heart burst with joy.

If you have any pen pals or online friends, I hope you get to meet! It is so fun! Then you, too, can say you are IRL friends.

Question: How do you deal with learning something new? Do you expect perfection from yourself? Do you give yourself grace, maybe laugh at your mistakes, and then try it another way?

Years ago, I read The Gift of Imperfection. I want to embrace imperfection as my friend and stop berating myself. Perfection is a brutal taskmaster who is never happy or satisfied. It steals our joy. As my sister says, "Mistakes were made." It's part of being human.

Reminding myself that mistakes will be made, I'm making my way through this "book launch" period, figuring out "the next right thing" to do as I go along. It is an unknown experience and an adventure. I've been amazed. Over 50 copies are now being read to children. What an honor!

Thank you so much to those who have purchased a book!

Please take a moment to leave an honest review on Amazon. Even just a few words is helpful. It is a simple process. Go to the page where I sell There's Only One You with Aunt Kitten, scroll to the bottom where there is a review chart, and look for the button that says, "Write A Customer Review."

You can also leave a review on Goodreads if you hang out there. I appreciate it furry much!

Speaking of reviews, my next door neighbor in Pennsylvania shared her experience on Facebook. Then she copied and pasted that post into an Amazon review. Thank you, Kelly!


Here's a short update on my other writing topics:


Memories Monday, my memoir posts, are still on hold with plans to resume, although no date is set.

The posts for age 0-33 can be found on Instagram and my website where I've created a new Memoir page for this series.


Sundae Sunday posts on Instagram share our (almost) weekly ice cream creations.


Guess what?! We have tickets to go to Ireland in May! So get ready for travel posts to begin again in a few months.

If you have any suggestions for another Aunt Kitten book, hit reply to share and I'll brainstorm.

"We're all unique! God made each of us new. I'm glad you're here 'cause there's only one you!"

Have a pawsitively purrfect day, enjoy every meowment.

Kristin Emily Friend, aka Aunt Kitten ​


Hi! I'm Kristin Emily Friend,

Author, Illustrator, Blogger, Ice Cream Enthusiast

I am a companion in curiosity and refreshment through mulling over questions (Pondering Friend to Friend), ice cream (Traveling Ice Cream Enthusiasts), children's books (Aunt Kitten), and world traveling (The Friends' Travel Blog.) . . Sign up for my monthly newsletter to join me! . . I look forward to companioning with you.

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