
Hi! I'm Kristin Emily Friend,

**Kristin Emily** 🥳🐾🎈IT'S A BOOK!!!🥳🐾🎈A Double Scoop for January 2023

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

January 2023

Sunday, January 22, 2023, is National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day.

What question is your cat asking?

Tomorrow morning, Aunt Kitten will ask, “WHEN can I visit and encourage more children?”

And I'll say, “TODAY!

I couldn’t wait for the end of this email to share the news that There’s Only One You with Aunt Kitten is now available on in paperback and Kindle formats.

Surprised? Keep reading for, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story…

Think of some times you completed something huge and hard...those landmark accomplishments that you can look at and say, “Wow! I did it!”

I’ve been pondering and my list includes: 1. When I graduated from college. 2. When I rode my bike from Pittsburg to Washington DC. 3. When I sold my father and stepmother’s house and closed their estate. 4. When I wrote There’s Only One You with Aunt Kitten.

Do you know which of those three are not like the others? Well, let's see...

My parents expected me to go to and finish college. I accomplished that particular bike ride because it was on Gregg’s bucket list and I wanted to do it with him. I fulfilled a commitment to Dad and Gladys by closing their estate.

But writing this book was all my dream. Nobody expected me to write it or finish it or publish it. I could have stopped at any point in the last year and a half without disappointing anyone. And, honestly, my follow-through track record isn’t stellar so not finishing this book wouldn’t have been a surprise to many people, including myself.

I’ve received incredible encouragement from family, friends, and HopeWriters throughout this undertaking. I’ve attended classes, been mentored, and realized that I don’t know what I don’t know until I go ahead and try it first.

I have absolutely loved every hard Groundhog-Day step of the way. And it has come to this: I am ready to push “publish” on my Amazon account. This book is ready to be birthed into this world.

But wait! All the experts say the next step is to create a launch team, do pre-orders, work hard to get the #1 best seller in one of my genre categories, send a series of emails, have a launch party in person and/or online, blitz social media, ask for Amazon reviews, and…well, you get the picture. AND, coordinate these to converge on the same date.

You know, kinda like cooking a huge meal and having everything ready to eat at the same time.

I “could” follow this tried and true advice. But "should" I???

The very thought of getting all those ducks in order before I publish twirls my brain and invites anxiety. And sometimes it is necessary for me to figure out how to work through that anxiety and confusion.

The question niggled in the back of my mind, “Why would I be doing those next steps? Is it because I want to? Or because I feel “should”ed into it (by the voices in my head)? Hum... I continued to process...

I have had the desire to own this project from beginning to end. And I have.

My purpose for writing this book was to give adults a tool to help encourage children to step into their uniqueness.

Then, a lightbulb came on: I wrote this book for the little girl inside of me, too. I am unique! There is only one me! And this “me” tends to feel anxious and paralyzed when I try to juggle too many balls at one time. That isn't bad or good, it just is.

What if...I do some or all of those "launch" ideas while being a friend to myself and offering myself grace.

Those ideas don't have to be coordinated to culminate on a set "launch date." No, no they don't. Well, there I have it! A direction to launch this book that brings me peace and excitement.

So… with a smile on my face and joy in my heart, I solidify my decision by telling you here:

Aunt Kitten has been born! It is a book!

I'll be honored if you purchase a copy. And I'll be just as honored if you cheer me on without your own copy.

Should you buy a book and live in town, I'd be happy to sign your copy, just shoot me an email or text. Thank you so much for YOUR part in encouraging me through this process!

Remember Aunt Kitten's words, "We're all unique! God made each of us new. I'm glad you're here 'cause there's only one you!"

By the way, what questions did your cat ask you on National Answer Your Cat's Question Day?

Raising a dish of milk to celebrate,

Kristin Emily Friend, aka Aunt Kitten

Hi! I'm Kristin Emily Friend,

Author, Illustrator, Blogger, Ice Cream Enthusiast

I am a companion in curiosity and refreshment through mulling over questions (Pondering Friend to Friend), ice cream (Traveling Ice Cream Enthusiasts), children's books (Aunt Kitten), and world traveling (The Friends' Travel Blog.) . . Sign up for my monthly newsletter to join me! . . I look forward to companioning with you.

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